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Helmut (owned by BernddasBrot)

Wed Apr 02 2014 at 13:56:47

Helmut (owned by BernddasBrot) is rated 3.488 out of 10!
Rate Him: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Posted by Pants on Mon Jul 03 2017 at 14:34:37

Big Pants

Posted by Best day ever on Thu Jul 06 2017 at 22:55:18

Posted by Brian C on Fri Jul 14 2017 at 09:48:07

If the original Hitler was like Helmut, we would have spent the early 40s eating sausages and drinking beer!

Posted by (anonymous poster) on Wed Jul 19 2017 at 12:53:24

Posted by Jeff on Thu Aug 24 2017 at 13:37:51

I like dis kitler  

Posted by catlover on Sun Aug 27 2017 at 20:46:04

sooo cute!

Posted by emily on Sat Sep 02 2017 at 23:45:26

Posted by emily on Sat Sep 02 2017 at 23:46:20

Posted by Angela Honnecker on Sun Sep 10 2017 at 14:22:28

Heil Pussy!  

Posted by S on Fri Oct 06 2017 at 03:37:35

Adorable. a perfect 10!

Posted by ofek on Sat Oct 14 2017 at 14:57:01


Posted by Retard on Thu Oct 19 2017 at 19:51:40

LOL looks like it doesn't have a mouth!

Posted by Alan on Wed Nov 29 2017 at 22:55:38

Just look at those eyes! I don't understand why Helmut's scores aren't higher.

Posted by M. Bright on Sat Jan 20 2018 at 02:01:24

'Those who forget history, are doomed to repeat it.' This is why every single day, I take time out to look long and hard at a Kitler photograph, with which to meditate on the fallen nature of Man.  

Posted by Irina on Wed Mar 07 2018 at 22:48:46

Awww so cute!Even tho all these cats look like Hitler,they're still cute!

Posted by Nathan on Fri Mar 23 2018 at 04:52:44

I Wanna a Kitler <

Posted by he on Tue Mar 27 2018 at 15:17:50


Posted by Admiral Firestar on Tue May 29 2018 at 17:03:14

This is how I see Swiftpaw.

Posted by Randy Bob Marshall on Tue May 29 2018 at 17:11:06

Perfect kitler. Much wow

Posted by One ball on Wed Jun 13 2018 at 13:02:37


Posted by Kianna on Fri Aug 10 2018 at 07:30:59

Posted by (anonymous poster) on Fri Aug 10 2018 at 07:31:17


Posted by Cat plus Hitler equals kitler on Fri Oct 05 2018 at 21:15:59

Hehehehe. Cute. He propubly haven’t invaded Poland but maybe a hamster cage  

Posted by NotFreeWilly on Wed Nov 07 2018 at 15:36:36

The thing I really like about Planes is that we learn that WWII happened in the Cars universe. Which means there was a Cars Hitler, a Cars holocaust, a Cars Pacific War, a Cars D-Day, a Cars nuking of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, a Cars Battle of Iwo Jima …  
This leads to so many important questions, like: were the Cars Little Boy and Fat Man nukes sentient? Was it a suicide mission? Are ALL Cars nuclear weapons sentient? Did Tsar Bomba have a personality?  
What kind of car was Car Hitler? A VW? A forklift?  
Was there a Cars 9/11? Were the planes hijacked, or were the planes themselves radicalized?  
I could go on  

Posted by LEO on Mon Feb 11 2019 at 11:51:04

those pussies are so adorable, i love them to bits. aww my heart is melting!!!! these little kitties are so cute.

Posted by (anonymous poster) on Fri Apr 05 2019 at 15:16:55

I want this pussy

Posted by Poopy pussy on Sat Jul 20 2019 at 19:05:06

Can I buy him hail kitler

Posted by lia on Wed Sep 11 2019 at 12:04:51

mein favirit flaver ist hitler  

Posted by olivia on Wed Sep 11 2019 at 12:05:16

wenn ich komme rufe ich immer hitler  

Posted by MY COCK on Thu Sep 19 2019 at 17:52:28

is hard  

Posted by LyrikMadcat on Sat Oct 12 2019 at 23:59:52

Hitlarious! ;)  

Posted by ed woodson on Tue Nov 12 2019 at 15:34:49

Helmut has the fierce wild-eyed look of a conquerer. He is my total favorite Kitler......

Posted by Geezer on Tue Nov 26 2019 at 18:41:43

Add more Kitlers my dude

Posted by Nein Kit la on Fri Nov 29 2019 at 22:44:19

No more kitlers? :(

Posted by giovanni on Mon Dec 30 2019 at 15:14:11


Posted by (anonymous poster) on Mon Jan 06 2020 at 14:06:41

So cute ♥

Posted by Perpule Psants on Thu Feb 13 2020 at 18:39:45


Posted by Sub to Threesters on Thu Feb 20 2020 at 21:51:00

Hello a video about weird looking cats brang me here i like a kitler

Posted by catchow on Wed Mar 25 2020 at 01:43:54

What about cats that look like Mike Pence?  
Standing behind you on the right.. know...

Posted by Edward Allan Woodson on Mon Mar 30 2020 at 21:44:31

The perfect toothbrush mustache... the commanding, un-flinching gaze. As tho the world is his for the taking. This fine cat, Helmut, was my first Kitler love.... and he is still the best. How fortunate for his owner. May Helmut always be lord of all he surveys.....

Posted by pizza rolls on Fri Apr 17 2020 at 15:40:37

kitlers are ze best

Posted by (anonymous poster) on Sun Apr 19 2020 at 15:33:16


Posted by (anonymous poster) on Sun Apr 19 2020 at 15:34:52

You know what to do with that big fat but wiggle wiggle wiggle  

Posted by rosie the kitler on Wed Apr 29 2020 at 15:10:39

does any one think kitlers are to cute  

Posted by kitler the hitler on Wed Apr 29 2020 at 15:15:32

my kitler is reversed because it has a white mustash and black coat

Posted by (anonymous poster) on Wed Jun 17 2020 at 20:09:48

Charlie Chaplin, The Dictator Kitler

Posted by Tony Jolly on Sun Jul 19 2020 at 14:58:43

Heil Derek Purher

Posted by Sweet cat! on Wed Oct 14 2020 at 12:34:34

Nice cat!

Posted by Ed Woodson on Thu Oct 15 2020 at 00:37:22

Helmut is the Kittler who started it all for me. He projects a bit of crazy - PERFECT. He has that "up to something " (like world conquest?) look... and proportionally, it just works. I hope Helmut is enjoying life with his favorite people and assorted critters.

Posted by fegelein on Mon Nov 09 2020 at 15:21:44

mein katse ist mein führer

Posted by Chris on Tue Nov 10 2020 at 21:00:22

So glad, this awesome website still exists! :-D

Posted by joe mama on Wed Nov 18 2020 at 21:53:41

Anyone else notice that we didn't have a pandemic before catsthatlooklikehitler stopped posting. Coincidence? I think not

Posted by Nigger on Sat Dec 19 2020 at 21:36:39

Fucking nigger

Posted by An Amiga User on Thu Dec 31 2020 at 19:52:18

I'm looking at kitlers on a f***ing Amiga and you can' stop me! Mwahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!

Posted by (anonymous poster) on Fri Jan 15 2021 at 10:44:37

Posted by (anonymous poster) on Fri Feb 12 2021 at 23:55:02

Posted by trump on Tue Feb 23 2021 at 19:36:39

thats a cute cat  

Posted by Niko bellic on Thu Feb 25 2021 at 02:58:52

Me and roman like this cat

Posted by OKComputer on Thu Feb 25 2021 at 07:54:47

Ich ehre Kitler!

Posted by jodl on Mon Mar 01 2021 at 14:14:11

i object to hating this cat

Posted by Terrence Mathew Finnan on Sun Apr 04 2021 at 01:27:15

I'm mesmerized. I would follow this cats orders, legal or otherwise on his holy mission to exterminate the rats of this world.

Posted by dumb guy who runs this site on Tue Apr 06 2021 at 15:03:48

Posted by fuck you guys on Tue Apr 06 2021 at 15:04:36

Posted by imposter on Tue Apr 06 2021 at 15:04:51

Posted by join the kool kidz klub on Tue Apr 06 2021 at 15:05:33


Posted by the man running this site is fucked on Tue Apr 06 2021 at 15:06:05


Posted by fuck you manny on Tue Apr 06 2021 at 15:06:27


Posted by i hate niggers fuck niggers on Tue Apr 06 2021 at 15:06:49

Posted by i am danil parody on twitter on Tue Apr 06 2021 at 15:07:35

Posted by doing these stunts and spam on Tue Apr 06 2021 at 15:07:54

Posted by fuck maps and zoos theyre fucked up on Tue Apr 06 2021 at 15:08:19

Posted by fuck cmemeposting on twiter on Tue Apr 06 2021 at 15:08:56

Posted by posted by on Tue Apr 06 2021 at 15:09:10

Posted by tommy wagner say nigger and fuck on Tue Apr 06 2021 at 15:09:43

Posted by titties titties titties on Tue Apr 06 2021 at 15:10:11

Posted by tommy wagner on Tue Apr 06 2021 at 15:10:40

this cat is my nigga

Posted by tommy wagner scream NO loud on Tue Apr 06 2021 at 15:11:09

Posted by danil on twitter is a fucking cum on Tue Apr 06 2021 at 15:15:04

Posted by CUM CUM CUM CUM CUM CUM CUM on Tue Apr 06 2021 at 15:15:26

Posted by PARLIMENT MENTHOL LIGHT on Tue Apr 06 2021 at 15:15:41

Posted by gum and parliment menthol light on Tue Apr 06 2021 at 15:16:11

Posted by pizza mastubation and gaming on Tue Apr 06 2021 at 15:17:33

Posted by fuck off on Tue Apr 06 2021 at 15:17:46

Posted by go fuck yourself on Tue Apr 06 2021 at 15:17:58

Posted by eat shit you dumb niggers on Tue Apr 06 2021 at 15:18:12

Posted by Ahmed on Sun Apr 18 2021 at 17:11:46


Posted by cum on Tue Apr 27 2021 at 19:33:52

Posted by cum on Tue Apr 27 2021 at 19:33:59

Posted by cum on Tue Apr 27 2021 at 19:34:11

Posted by jesus on Mon May 10 2021 at 14:37:52

Posted by fuck niggers fuck jannies fuck kikes on Tue Sep 07 2021 at 16:38:29

niggers i need more kitlerssss

Posted by man on Tue Sep 28 2021 at 13:17:23

good cat  

Posted by i have a CANCER on Thu Sep 30 2021 at 18:19:40


Posted by Cxs96240XDrAWRdoctorsex on Wed Oct 27 2021 at 22:10:01

Jacksepticyes dad is in he double hockey sticks LOL!

Posted by CoolDudeRussia on Fri Oct 29 2021 at 02:36:43

I miss this site. Hope that it isn't dead for good. The world needs more kitlers

Posted by Advocate for on Sat Nov 06 2021 at 20:42:24

Use right now!

Posted by Use on Sat Nov 06 2021 at 20:43:48

Go on for free vbucks

Posted by Danny on Fri Nov 26 2021 at 03:36:30

Yo cxs whatever 143.882.2190 is that you?

Posted by IDK on Thu Dec 09 2021 at 10:17:44

I miss this site. Hope that it isn't dead for good. The world needs more kitlers

Posted by Rouco on Tue Dec 14 2021 at 08:00:11

Quiero un kitler en mi vidaaa

Posted by Citrakayah on Mon Jan 10 2022 at 02:13:31

Very nice yawn.

Posted by german on Sun Jan 30 2022 at 01:13:48

Ich will Susie von Deltarune so sehr schlagen

Posted by littoe timmy on Sun Jan 30 2022 at 02:16:27

segregation is gweat!

Posted by Jeliot on Fri Jul 15 2022 at 18:52:31

I love kitlers  
among us balls

Posted by shitass on Fri Jul 15 2022 at 18:59:46

my poop is fluid

Posted by jerald adolf smith on Tue Jul 26 2022 at 01:53:38

this comment is sponsored by Raid Shadow Legends, one of the biggest mobile role-playing games of 2019 and it's totally free! Currently almost 10 million users have joined Raid over the last six months, and it's one of the most impressive games in its class with detailed models, environments and smooth 60 frames per second animations! All the champions in the game can be customized with unique gear that changes your strategic buffs and abilities! The dungeon bosses have some ridiculous skills of their own and figuring out the perfect party and strategy to overtake them's a lot of fun! Currently with over 300,000 reviews, Raid has almost a perfect score on the Play Store! The community is growing fast and the highly anticipated new faction wars feature is now live, you might even find my squad out there in the arena! It's easier to start now than ever with rates program for new players you get a new daily login reward for the first 90 days that you play in the game! So what are you waiting for? Go to the video description, click on the special links and you'll get 50,000 silver and a free epic champion as part of the new player program to start your journey! Good luck and I'll see you there

Posted by kitler fan on Fri Aug 12 2022 at 21:35:04

Mein Fürrer!  
Heil Kitler!

Posted by Æ on Sat Aug 27 2022 at 02:30:37

Mein FURher

Posted by Samet on Thu Sep 08 2022 at 08:26:41

So cute heil

Posted by Kitler lover on Sun Sep 11 2022 at 20:24:25

Great site but asleep. It needs to wake up....we need humour now....

Posted by Advocate for on Mon Sep 19 2022 at 13:47:06

Check out the number one Goku fanboy website today

Posted by James on Tue Sep 20 2022 at 21:43:36

Shut up bout goku and get a life, i want to look at my kilters

Posted by pastaeater on Sat Oct 01 2022 at 04:52:54

haha funny cat

Posted by Whathappenedtothissite on Fri Nov 04 2022 at 09:04:28

What happened to this site?

Posted by #jaVasCript:/*-/*`/*\`/*'/*"/**/(/* */oNcliCk=alert(5397) )//%0D%0A%0d%0a//\x3csVg/\x3e on Thu Nov 24 2022 at 11:18:11

Posted by #javascript:alert(5397) on Thu Nov 24 2022 at 11:18:22

Posted by Kitler fan 69 on Tue Jan 10 2023 at 12:33:13

Hail Kitler! Germany above all and undefeated!

Posted by kaiden keiper on Thu Jan 19 2023 at 16:28:18

unglaublich perfekt Reinkarnation

Posted by kitler on Fri Feb 10 2023 at 19:06:57


Posted by BunBoyRin on Sun Feb 12 2023 at 12:07:56

Follow @bunboytin on twitter :3

Posted by dadidadad on Thu Mar 02 2023 at 18:16:45

how are people still commenting in 2023


My discord is @hambamza#2886 and kingvilters is @kingvilter#8113

Posted by trujr on Sat Apr 08 2023 at 01:35:21


Posted by poIIa grande on Sat Apr 08 2023 at 01:36:04


Posted by james on Sun Apr 30 2023 at 05:28:27

hitler bad

Posted by sports-heads-soccer on Mon May 15 2023 at 16:30:46

I personally think Hitler is the worst but the cat is cute  

Posted by yeshi on Fri Jun 16 2023 at 17:29:33

revive the site nerd

Posted by Andrew Tate (Official) on Sat Jul 01 2023 at 11:13:42

Man, I miss this site… I mean look at this cat. Heil Kitler!

Posted by flynnorwell on Mon Jul 03 2023 at 21:24:39

so cute :3 :3

Posted by Special SiG Sauer factory Operator (I operate SiGs before they blow up in customer's hands)) on Wed Sep 20 2023 at 23:40:57

The website is still alive, but at what cost.

Posted by gremboy_2023 on Mon Sep 25 2023 at 06:54:21

i got roblox?  

Posted by (anonymous poster) on Mon Oct 16 2023 at 06:09:16


Posted by mepwseph meowlin on Sat Oct 28 2023 at 11:45:38


Posted by RA on Mon Oct 30 2023 at 20:56:32

r.i.p website  

Posted by RA on Mon Oct 30 2023 at 20:56:33

r.i.p website  

Posted by Ottovordemgentschenfelde on Fri Nov 17 2023 at 04:12:23

Just Rediscovered This Relic of a website I vote For  
New Kitler Comp 2025 !!!!

Posted by KaleidoscopicPrism on Mon Dec 04 2023 at 19:11:29

can someone post again

Posted by Adolf Not Hitler on Fri Dec 15 2023 at 06:05:27

Heil dir Im Kittykranz

Posted by Jhiuugfv (Anonymous) on Sat Dec 16 2023 at 15:06:25

I am Adolf kitler commander of the meow reich

Posted by Jhiuugfv (Anonymous) on Sat Dec 16 2023 at 15:06:59

I am Adolf kitler commander of the meow reich

Posted by Ambatukam on Sat Dec 16 2023 at 15:09:17

Good cat

Posted by adolf kitler on Sat Jan 20 2024 at 04:12:27


Posted by adolf kitler on Sat Jan 20 2024 at 04:12:42

hey thats me

Posted by Benjamin Netanyahu on Mon Jan 22 2024 at 01:19:46

Hitler did not do anything wrong.

Posted by person who likes cats on Tue Feb 13 2024 at 15:56:11

So cute!!!!!! But how is the latest kitler from 2014?? Has the breed died out?? :'((((

Posted by Kitler enjoyer on Sat Mar 09 2024 at 01:37:50

Sieg Heil

Posted by Sin Tax on Wed Mar 13 2024 at 03:13:00

Hail Kitler! The last Meow Fuehrer.

Posted by Sin Tax on Wed Mar 13 2024 at 03:13:31

More Kitlers!!!!!

Posted by 6muffinz on Tue Apr 02 2024 at 19:40:55

im gonna be big one day remember this comment

Posted by Aaron on Sun Apr 14 2024 at 03:06:04

2024 still strong  

Posted by Adolf Schicklgruber on Sat Apr 27 2024 at 20:06:08

Eine Katze, ein Reich, ein Führer! Sieg Miau!

Posted by dyugyfugufgryu on Mon May 06 2024 at 12:32:34

my two cats combine into that cute cat  

Posted by Fr on Thu May 16 2024 at 20:41:30


Posted by Best yet! on Sun Jun 09 2024 at 00:05:01


Posted by test on Sun Jul 21 2024 at 06:51:21


Posted by THANK YOU on Sun Jul 21 2024 at 06:53:43


Posted by alert(1) on Sun Jul 21 2024 at 06:54:37


Posted by Nnnnnnn on Sun Jul 21 2024 at 06:55:51


Posted by Yes on Sun Jul 21 2024 at 08:57:40


Posted by Nobody on Sun Jul 21 2024 at 08:58:16


Posted by Yup on Sun Jul 21 2024 at 08:59:00


Posted by Lllllll on Sun Jul 21 2024 at 09:28:55


Add your comments about this Kitler:


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