To add your cat or, indeed, any cat to the illustrious ranks of the other Kitlers on this site, fill in the form below. We'll take a look at him and, if we like him, we'll post him up!
Please note that any submissions without a valid email address will be rejected. If you know the cat's name, you should put it so we've got something to call him!
Submissions should also be in JPG format, will need to be less than 3Mb in size, and be sized to
fit comfortably on screen (ie. not so small we can't see the cat!). Any submissions that do not conform to these criteria will be rejected. You should consult the Submission Guidelines for further information and examples of what NOT to do.
If your picture is too big, you can use the facility at www.resize2mail.com to resize it before submitting it to us.
If after all this you're still struggling to get your Kitler submitted, and he's a really good one, then email him to Paul and we'll see if we can resize him for you.
NOTE THAT DUE TO THE LARGE VOLUME OF EMAILS WE GET, WE MAY NOT BE ABLE TO ANSWER YOUR EMAIL. Also note that if you email your Kitler, it may be weeks or even months before we get to him (Paul tends to save the emailed Kitlers for a quiet day!)