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Does your cat look like Adolf Hitler? Do you wake up in a cold sweat every night wondering if he's going to up and invade Poland? Does he keep putting his right paw in the air while making a noise that sounds suspiciously like "Sieg Miaow"? If so, this is the website for you.

OI! You! Yes, YOU! Go and visit Cat Shelter Felix's blog, previously known as Novi Sad Cats. Danica is doing some wonderful work with homeless kittehs in Serbia and needs your support.

Bestest Kitlers

Number #37 - 5.99 out of 10!
Luther (owned by Cathy)
Tue Nov 27 2007 at 16:06:18

Number #38 - 5.99 out of 10!
Shiro (owned by Saigyo)
Wed Jun 28 2006 at 17:56:23

Number #39 - 5.99 out of 10!
Adolf (owned by Ewa)
Sat Jul 21 2007 at 14:48:10

Number #40 - 5.99 out of 10!
Kitty (owned by Niek)
Mon Jul 26 2010 at 23:13:28

<<< bester <<<  37-40 of the Bestest Kitlers  >>> worster >>> is
designed and run by Paul Neve